Post by .:-Aikoa-:. on Apr 25, 2009 13:41:28 GMT -5
OOC: I find it amusing that Weepingkit is older than Ghostpaw. lol.
BIC: Weepingkit nodded wordlessly. She knew that she would probably never live a normal life. She was chosen. Salinka.
"I hope you do not still harbor harsh feelings towards me about Chasinglight. She is not my mother. I have no mother. And I need none." She meowed emotionlessly. She didn't add that she needed no friends, either. Because Weepingkit did not believe that was true. She did need someone... anyone...
Post by Brambleclaw on Apr 25, 2009 13:54:48 GMT -5
"I never held harsh feelings over you. I always loved you like my own kin. I just don't like Chasinglight, that's all..." Ghostpaw said with a sigh. It would've been easier if she had known the truth. But she wanted to believe her father, and she did because she only wanted to trust someone. And believing she had no family was not where she wanted to end up.
Post by .:-Aikoa-:. on Apr 25, 2009 21:10:58 GMT -5
Weepingkit looked intently at Ghostpaw, whom she thought maybe she could think of as a friend. Ghostpaw cared for her, yes. But would she still, if she knew the danger that Weepingkit was to her and this Clan? As soon as I am able I must leave this place. For their safety. She forced herself not to think of the danger that'd put her in. Her life mattered not. She was chosen, yes, but that heavy burden was lost now with the death of the only cats who would help her retrieve the others. She was doomed. Her destiny had forsaken her. All she knew now was that she had to escape from all others and keep their existence safe.
"I see. And you believe your father when he tells you that you are his. Affections are hard to place. Sometimes we drown ourselves in thoughts and desires and let no contradictions through. We fool ourselves into thinking we are safe and loved and everything is good and clean, but then by the time it is too late sometimes we discover a harsh reality that surrounds our happy lives." She meowed, a bitter tone to her voice and a dark look in her sorrowful blue eyes. Weepingkit sighed and the pools of luminescent aqua she possessed closed off, leaving nothing but rich golden in their wake.
"Forgive me. I am reading too into my own past and influencing your emotions. I do not always speak wisely though I do not mean harm." She meowed with a sigh.
Post by Brambleclaw on Apr 25, 2009 21:16:33 GMT -5
Ghostpaw shook her head with a sigh, looking down at her paws. "Half of me wants to believe her, and half of me wants to trust Rootclaw." Ghostpaw wished she could just know. If she knew her real family, and who her real friends were, life would be much easier. Little did she know that it would only make things worse to know. Because for her, knowing was the worst thing she could want. It was something that could not only change her own life and beliefs forever, but ultimately who she was as well...
Post by .:-Aikoa-:. on Apr 25, 2009 21:23:05 GMT -5
Weepingkit looked intently at Ghostpaw, and then nodded.
"Knowing is something that plauges us all. We want to know our destiny. We want to know what our purpose is in life, and we want to know what choices will take us there and why." But sometimes it is not a good thing to know. Sometimes is it as much a curse as a blessing. She thought somberly.
Post by Brambleclaw on Apr 25, 2009 21:28:36 GMT -5
Ghostpaw nodded, sighing. Weepingkit couldn't possibly be a kit still. But Ghostpaw just shrugged the thought off, knowing that the kit would make herself an apprentice if she was old enough. "I just want to know who I am now." Ghostpaw said with a deep sigh.
Post by .:-Aikoa-:. on Apr 25, 2009 21:32:55 GMT -5
Weepingkit smiled at her.
"You are you. You are who you are and no one else. You are your past, your present, and most importantly of all your future. Not even something like amnesia or messed up parents can take that from you. For despite all the playings and nonesense of the mind the heart is never quick to change. Your heart is who you are, Ghostpaw. And I know that your heart is kind, and good, and big enough for the moon itself to envy." She mewed with a smile on her sorrowful face.
Post by Brambleclaw on Apr 25, 2009 21:39:00 GMT -5
Ghostpaw smiled, purring. "You think so?" She asked with a smile, feeling better. Weepingkit sure did know how to make ehr feel better. They really did make such good friends.
Post by .:-Aikoa-:. on Apr 25, 2009 21:55:06 GMT -5
Weepingkit purred.
"Of course." She turned to see a tall she-cat looking down at her.
"Hello there, Weepingkit. Feeling better?" Stormstar inquired. Weepingkit looked at her intently.
"Yes, thank you." She mewed.
"I am curious as to how you became so intelectual. Have your memories recovered?"
"Yes. I remember almost everything now." Weepingkit replied.
"Ah. And do you remember your age by chance?" Stormstar asked. Weepingkit looked at her paws and frowned, then nodded.
"I believe I was born nearly five moons ago." She replied.
"Five moons?"
"Well older than that. It is hard to say how long it's been since my fifth moon."
"I see. We shall have to assign you a mentor then." Stormstar meowed. Weepingkit closed her eyes.
"That is not necess--"
"Stormstar!" A cat called from across the camp.
"Oh. I must go. Goodbye Weepingkit. Goodbye Ghostpaw." Stormstar meowed, smiling and noding slightly at them.
Post by Brambleclaw on Apr 25, 2009 21:58:08 GMT -5
Ghostpaw smiled. "You and I get along because we are of the same age!" Ghostpaw said with a little bounce of excitement in her voice. She watched Stormstar walk away with a smile. Now it made sense. Ghostpaw wasn't kit-like, just the same age as her friend. It made Ghostpaw feel better. She wasn't just small and stupid, she was normal. Sort of.
Post by .:-Aikoa-:. on Apr 25, 2009 22:03:01 GMT -5
Weepingkit smiled.
"Yes." She purred. She felt somewhat heartbroken at the thought of having to leave Ghostpaw. But she reassured herself in knowing that it was for her friend's protection.
Post by Brambleclaw on Apr 25, 2009 22:08:30 GMT -5
Ghostpaw smiled. She could hardly wait to train with Weepingkit. "Who do you think your mentor will be?" She asked Weepingkit excitedly.
Post by .:-Aikoa-:. on Apr 25, 2009 22:15:26 GMT -5
Weepingkit shrugged.
"I could not say. I do not know many cats who live in this Clan." She meowed.
Post by Brambleclaw on Apr 25, 2009 22:20:47 GMT -5
"You meet them!" Ghostpaw said with a purr. It had been hard for her and her sister when they had first come, but she ahd quickly been welcomed. So would Weepingkit.
Post by .:-Aikoa-:. on Apr 26, 2009 13:20:37 GMT -5
Weepingkit nodded.
"Yes, I suppose so." She looked down at her paws. The longer I stay here the harder it'll be to leave. I must go as soon as I can make it out safely and efficently. She thought.
Post by Brambleclaw on Apr 26, 2009 18:20:10 GMT -5
Ghostpaw watched Weepingkit sadly. "If you want to go back home, I understand..." Ghostpaw knew that having a friend was too good to be true. But if it made Weepingkit happy, than Ghostpaw would let her go. She couldn't hold her friend against her will.
Post by .:-Aikoa-:. on Apr 26, 2009 20:10:18 GMT -5
Weepingkit looked up at Ghostpaw and frowned.
"I have no home. It was destroyed, time and time again, along with the lives of those who protected me. I do not wish the same fate on RiverClan... or you." Weepingkit meowed gently, her blue eyes filled with sorrow and regret.
Post by Brambleclaw on Apr 26, 2009 20:22:48 GMT -5
"Then go, before you break my heart." Ghostpaw said, turning away. If everyone was just going to abandon her, they best do it quickly. She sighed, padding away from the only friend she had had. Had. Not any more, it did seem. Not any more.
Post by .:-Aikoa-:. on Apr 26, 2009 20:26:14 GMT -5
Weepingkit looked up and her eyes widened. Ghostpaw.
"Wait!" She begged. She darted forward and spun around so she was facing the she-cat. She looked at her with a strange determination in her eyes.
"I want to stay with you, but I must make sure she can't recognize me. Please. Tear your claws sideways across my shoulder. It's the only way." She meowed desperately. She knew she had said too much already, but she would give her life to help Ghostpaw. She loved her like she had loved her sister, Lala, and Ghostpaw did remind her of her fallen kin. She would do anything. She would hide her very self, if she had to. She would do what she could.
Post by Brambleclaw on Apr 26, 2009 20:40:36 GMT -5
"I'm not about to hurt you. Ask someone else to do it." She said, shaking her head slowly. The friendship was over, and Ghostpaw had learned a valuable lesson. Like Rootclaw always said, friends were a waste of time, energy, and you utmost love.
"I'll do it." Lichenpaw said evilly, padding up to Weepingkit. "That is, if you are serious." The she-cat would have fun raking her claws through another familiar cat.