Jun 3, 2009 12:07:26 GMT -5
Post by Spottedleaf ~Dapps on Jun 3, 2009 12:07:26 GMT -5
Olivekit wriggled out from under her siblings and hurried over to bury herself in her mother's fur. "Spotkit wun play. His so dull." Sh said with a very fluent kit accent. She blinked her soft baby-blue kitten eyes up at her mother. They were slowly changing to their more permanent color, and tints of olive green were becoming visible. She looked back down from her mother and buried her face deep in her mother's pelt.
Posts: 330
Jun 3, 2009 16:51:30 GMT -5
Post by mkgb on Jun 3, 2009 16:51:30 GMT -5
Spotkit looked over at Olivekit and gave her a smile. "I am playing i am leder! Spotstar" he said with pride jumping onto Dreamwhisker and make it look like he giving a meeting. Springkit looked up and marched off sadly, "I'm a better fighter then chu" she whined and went over to olivekit. "Time for leder to go to Sarclan" she whispered. Dreamwhisker smiled at the playing kits. "I hope your kits aren't like this, these are to playful" she joked.
Jun 3, 2009 17:03:00 GMT -5
Post by Spottedleaf ~Dapps on Jun 3, 2009 17:03:00 GMT -5
Pumpkinpelt smiled and purred. Dreamwhisker's kits were certainly cute. "Okay. But I's nawt wurrior. I am medsin kitty." Olivekit meowed softly, looking up at her sister. She sniffed a little and then turned around to face Springkit.
Posts: 330
Jun 3, 2009 17:13:45 GMT -5
Post by mkgb on Jun 3, 2009 17:13:45 GMT -5
"He is from Silintclan! we must get hem" meowed Springkit with a smile but took into consideration to what her sister said. "you medsin kitty? Ay got boren herbs" she looked around and whispered, "and ay see dead cats." Her blue eyes grew a chilled look at seeing deceased cats.
Wolfkit squirmed forward trying to get to her mother milk and let out a loud mewl for milk. Featherkit laid on her back keeping her to where she was.
Jun 3, 2009 17:21:35 GMT -5
Post by Spottedleaf ~Dapps on Jun 3, 2009 17:21:35 GMT -5
[[P-Ping there, mkgb, but I'll let it slide.]]
Olivekit sprung up and immediately began to 'tend' to the fallen cats. "Get der Spotstar." She whispered to her sister. "Iv got dem." She smiled and went back to pretending to heal them.
"Quite a little medic there, eh?" Pebblefur teased with a grin. That was his daughter.
Posts: 330
Jun 3, 2009 20:34:56 GMT -5
Post by mkgb on Jun 3, 2009 20:34:56 GMT -5
Springkit stayed by her sister readying herself for battle. Her new enemy Spotstar was staring at the two girls. Spotkit gave himself a good lick for his leadership ment looking good. "you look as a bader" called Springkit as she prounced to where the kit leader sat. Her paws hit agaisnt his muzzle in fake rage. Spotkit hit his sister with his paws sending her down to what is to believe their death. He stood in power down along the pretending dead warrior. "I am to powerful for chu"
Jun 3, 2009 21:09:17 GMT -5
Post by Spottedleaf ~Dapps on Jun 3, 2009 21:09:17 GMT -5
Happykit jumped and tackled his brother down from the ground, pinning him smoothly. Even though he had been born medial in size compared to the litter, he had grown immensely and was already slightly bigger than Spotkit. He yowled as he held his brother down and 'slashed' his throat, 'killing' him instantly. "I will avenge my sister! I am the mighty Lionstar!" He roared in his cute kit voice, rolling Spotkit over. He left his 'dead' brother and hurried over to his 'dead' sister, nudging her. "Olivekit, can you save her?" He asked with a smile and a joking purr.
Jun 3, 2009 21:16:59 GMT -5
Post by bluebrook3 on Jun 3, 2009 21:16:59 GMT -5
(Are we RPing Otherstar's kits here 2?)
Posts: 330
Jun 3, 2009 21:37:15 GMT -5
Post by mkgb on Jun 3, 2009 21:37:15 GMT -5
(you can if you want)
Spotkit and Springkit looked at each other with a great surprise to who thinks tehy are dead. They rose to life in a pitiful display as Springkit slipped and landed in a pile of moss. "Ewww I hate moss" she complained picking on bits and peices of green and brown bits. Spotkit ran ahead to claim positition in a spot like where the elders bury the dead.
Jun 4, 2009 15:35:39 GMT -5
Post by Spottedleaf ~Dapps on Jun 4, 2009 15:35:39 GMT -5
[[Otherstar's asleep, but the kits can come and play.]]
Happykit mrrowed with successful glee as he bounded atop his mother's head and balanced precariously. "I am the ultimate ruler of all!" He cried with a little hiccup as he did so. Olivekit burst into a fit of laughter.
Jun 4, 2009 16:10:55 GMT -5
Post by bluebrook3 on Jun 4, 2009 16:10:55 GMT -5
Pebblekit licked his front paw.
Jun 4, 2009 18:28:07 GMT -5
Post by Spottedleaf ~Dapps on Jun 4, 2009 18:28:07 GMT -5
[[Come on, Holly. You write better than that.]]
Jun 4, 2009 19:03:54 GMT -5
Post by bluebrook3 on Jun 4, 2009 19:03:54 GMT -5
Pebblekit licked his front paw. His siblings didn't fool him on their walk, they were doing something. He shrugged it off looking at the new younger kits playing. He hated being the middle kit of Otherstar's littler.
Jun 4, 2009 19:06:03 GMT -5
Post by Spottedleaf ~Dapps on Jun 4, 2009 19:06:03 GMT -5
[[Much better.]]
"Cum pay wiff usses!" Olivekit called playfully at Pebblekit with a sweet smile.
Jun 4, 2009 19:10:38 GMT -5
Post by bluebrook3 on Jun 4, 2009 19:10:38 GMT -5
"OK..." Pebblekit smiled walking over to the other kits. He liked playing with them.
Posts: 330
Jun 4, 2009 19:49:54 GMT -5
Post by mkgb on Jun 4, 2009 19:49:54 GMT -5
Springkit closed her eyes as if in pain until she heard movement of a new cat. Her left eye peaked over to see Pebblekit, new prey. She bounced up and moved toward him in a silent move until she was close enought to attack. "i'm gonna it chu" she meowed with a off balance jump toward Pebblekit tail.
Post by bluebrook3 on Jun 5, 2009 9:56:14 GMT -5
Pebblekit turned quickly toward Springkit, pushing her gently backwards. He bounced over to her and playfully pinned her down.
Posts: 330
Jun 5, 2009 13:27:07 GMT -5
Post by mkgb on Jun 5, 2009 13:27:07 GMT -5
Springkit looked up into Pebblekit which stood for a while then let out a gasp of death. Her embarrassment to stare at the older kit made her ears go red but not even her closest brother, Spotkit, noticed.
Littlekit moved toward the pile of playing kits in a clumsy rush. Her paws tripped over each other as she tried to pick up a speedy trot. Her brother Pebblekit was now twice her size which didn't stop her from playing. "Can I play" she asked unedged by her earlier trip.
Jun 5, 2009 14:14:59 GMT -5
Post by bluebrook3 on Jun 5, 2009 14:14:59 GMT -5
"Are you Ok, Springkit?" He asked her then turned to his sister. "Sure, you can..."
Posts: 330
Jun 5, 2009 14:26:58 GMT -5
Post by mkgb on Jun 5, 2009 14:26:58 GMT -5
"I'm fine" she meowed without her kittish squeak. Her blue eyes blinked softly as she wiggled from under the tom. She felt weird but she guessed it just from playing as she sat by Olivekit.